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Hoffmeister Klapp-Hoff II
France Version française
Photos by - text by Sylvain Halgand. From the collection of -. Last update 2022-10-23 par Sylvain Halgand.

Manufactured or assembled in from (Circa) 1920 to (After) 1920.
Index of rarity in France: Rare (among non-specialized garage sales)
Inventory number: 13304

See the complete technical specifications

Chronology of cameras Hoffmeister 

Hoffmeister was a German distributor, and it is challenging to gauge his significance due to a lack of documentation. Based in his small hometown of Sonneberg, he left little in the way of memories, unlike his elder brother, a famous astronomer.
The cameras sold under the Hoffmeister brand are most likely all of German origin. The model names typically include the word "Hoff," which is a diminutive of the family name, preceded by a word characterizing the camera: Klapp, Metall, Roll, or Luxus. Only one model, the Lilliput, deviates from this naming convention.

  Lens Shutter Size Price
Vario Ibso Compur 6.5 x 9 9 x 12

Klapp-Hoff 0

Rapid Aplanat 7.7

x     x x 20.50 / 23
Anastigmat 6.3 x     x x 26.50 / 28

Klapp-Hoff I Rapid Aplanat 7.7 x     x x 26.25 / 30.75
Anastigmat 6.3 x     x x 32.25 / 37.50
Anastigmat 4.5 x     x   38.50

Klapp-Hoff Ia
Like the Klapp-Hoff I.
but with double extension and
microscopic adjustment by screw.
Anastigmat 6.3 x     x   44.50
Anastigmat 4.5 x     x   49.50

Klapp-Hoff II Laak Doppelanastigmat 6.3 x x     x 49.00 / 65
Rodenstock Eurynar 6.5 x x     x 49.00 / 65
Laak Pololyt 4.5   x x   x 73.50 / 94
Rodenstock Trinar 4.5   x x   x 73.50 / 94

Klapp-Hoff IIB
Like the Klapp-Hoff I. but with micrometric adjustment by screw.

Schneider Isconar 6.8 x       x 42.00
Hoffmeister Anastigmat 6.8 x       x 42.00


Not yet translated into English

Le Klapp-Hoff II est un appareil performant, à double-extension, pouvant être utilisé avec une plaque ou avec des film-packs. Il permet d'accéder à l'obturateur Compur que les autres chambres Klapp-Hoff ne proposent pas. La fabrication est en bois, avec l'intérieur du corps de l'appareil en bois noir poli. L'abattant est en métal avec des rails nickelés. Le réglage de distance se fait grâce à une molette. Les deux décentrements sont possibles, par vis micrométriques.

Il n'existe qu'en 9 x 12.

Hoffmeister Klapp-Hoff II


Wilhelm Hoffmeister, born in 1895, was the brother of the astronomer Cuno Hoffmeister (1892 - 1968). They were the sons of a doll manufacturer from Sonneberg in Thuringia. While the older brother left many traces in their hometown, including a street named after him, and made an impact in literature, it is indeed challenging to find information about Wilhelm and the cameras sold under his brand.

Cameras from Ebay France (Hoffmeister) (Uploaded each 3 hours)